Lusitania Daily Bulletin Information
Top Right: The Cunard Daily Bulletin above is from onboard the RMS Lusitania, Saturday
- November 11th, 1911. Aside from wireless news, some of the information given is from the ship's log the day prior:
Friday, November 10th, 1911:
Course: N. 76'20E, Distance: 51 knots
Position: Lat: 45'25N - Long: 45'00W
The Lusitania will be within wireless distance of the SS Majestic and SS Celtic today.
Above Right: The Cunard Daily Bulletin from onboard the RMS Lusitania: Thursday, May 20th, 1909, 1am
GMT. Center information as follows:
From The Log: Wednesday, May 19th, 1909:
10-20am - Left Company's Pier, 10-35am - Passed Castle Gardens, 11-20am - Passed Sandy Hook, Noon - Ambrose Channel Lightship
abeam. Also includes weather report and passenger list. Front cover is notable for having the same Perrier bottle as recovered
from the wreck of the RMS Republic which sank only months earlier.